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Current carers coffee morning – online drop-in sessions

We are pleased to invite anyone who has a loved one with CJD and prion disease, whether or not they have a formal caring role, to join us for our ‘Current carers coffee morning’ sessions which are online drop-in sessions taking place every third Tuesday of the month via zoom from 10am-12pm.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th April – click HERE to register

Our hope is that the drop in session provides an opportunity to listen, share, and connect with others. At least one member of the CJD Support Network committee will be present during the meeting to greet people when they arrive and host the meeting. You are welcome to drop in and out of the session any time between 10am and 12pm, there is no expectation that anyone will stay for the full 2 hours of the session. We have made this an extended session to support people in accessing the group alongside their current caring and other commitments.